Student Solution


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Week 5 Forum Intelligence Collection

Week 5 Forum Intelligence Collection

Q Discussion Questions: What are the capabilities and limitations of U.S. human and technical intelligence collection programs? Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond to at least two other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level. Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. While proper APA is not required, attribution to sources that informed your posting should be included. Refer to the grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria. Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET Grading: Forums are graded using the following rubric: HLSS Discussion Forum Grading Rubric

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When it comes to ensuring the actualization of appropriate/efficient ways of gathering intelligence by the U.S. human intelligence collection programs, Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is an extremely important method (Boži? & Dimovski, 2019). There is the presence of informers/agents who are designated/selected prior to the start of operations by HUMINT. The percentage/probability of reliability in case of utilizing HUMINT is high. Moreover, the collected information/data is more concrete than other methods. Therefore, the process of deciphering such data/information by any data analyst becomes more convenient.